Funding Black Disabled Liberation
In the United States, the abandonment of Black and disabled communities is historical tradition. The philanthropic sector has largely exacerbated this reality, upholding ableism and anti-Black racism through funding practices that deem grassroots Black-, and disabled-led organizations risky investments.

Only 2% of total philanthropic giving is allocated for disability-focused initiatives.

Despite an uptick in resource mobilization in response to the racial justice uprisings of 2020, funding for Black communities still represents only 2.1% of philanthropic giving overall.

A majority of Black-led and Black-benefiting nonprofits operate on less than $500,000 a year, with nearly one-third operating with just $30,000 a year.
Institutional philanthropy’s approach to disability, too, has long been based on charitable giving approaches rooted in White supremacist, anti-Black, ableist and patriarchal ideologies. This has resulted in the prioritization of funding for large, White, and able-led direct service models. According to recent data, 94% of all disability-focused dollars are allocated towards “Disability Services and Supports,” while only 6% funds the work of “Disability Justice,” or radical, liberatory, systems-change efforts. This weaving of bias and erasure has resulted in a dearth of funding for Black and disabled communities, and particularly for folks living and organizing at the intersection of both identities.