The Spark Justice Fund Moves Over $410K to Safeguard the People and Work of 36 Grassroots Groups Advancing Transformative Visions of Justice and Safety

The Spark Justice Fund Moves Over $410K to Safeguard the People and Work of 36 Grassroots Groups Advancing Transformative Visions of Justice and Safety

Recognizing the heightened challenges for all community organizers this election year, Borealis Philanthropy’s Spark Justice Fund (SJF) launched a Safety and Security Rapid Response Fund for power-building organizations working to decarcerate, close jails, abolish...
Visioning Scenarios for a Liberated, Reparative Future of Journalism: Announcing the Racial Equity in Journalism Fund’s New Thriving BIPOC Journalism Report 

Visioning Scenarios for a Liberated, Reparative Future of Journalism: Announcing the Racial Equity in Journalism Fund’s New Thriving BIPOC Journalism Report 

Since the founding of the first Black-owned newspaper in the United States, journalism led by Black, Indigenous, Asian, and Latine folks has generated more holistic and dynamic stories for communities across the world. For centuries, this reporting has stood in...