News & Updates

You Can’t Serve the People If You Don’t Love the People
Earlier this month, my family celebrated a huge milestone - my father’s 90th birthday. Few beyond the state of Alabama know his legacy as an entrepreneur, land steward, and civic leader. My father grew up in lower Alabama, picking pecans, but went on to graduate from...

The Black-Led Movement Fund Grants Nearly $3.9 million to 80 Grassroots Organizations!
February is Black Futures Month, and the Black-Led Movement Fund (BLMF) is inspired by the Movement for Black Lives’ proclamation to use “this time to both consider and celebrate our Black radical history and to dream and imagine a world in which we are free and...

Investing in Community: Why Radical Human Resources Is Critical for Movement Organizations
In this month’s storyletter, we sit down with Mala Nagarajan, Senior HR Consultant at Vega Mala Nagarajan and Richael Faithful, a southern Black trans-radical lawyer, organization strategist, and traditional folk healer. During our conversation, they illuminated what...

REJ Fund Field Report: Looking Back, Building Forward
Happy February y’all. As I move into and through the beginning of this new year, I have so many questions–questions like: how do I cultivate more spaciousness in my life? How can I be more present to each moment I move through? What do I need to say “no” to in order...

The Pandemic Is Killing Us. It’s Past Time For Philanthropy to Act.
By Sandy Ho (Director, Disability Inclusion Fund), Julia Beatty (Director, Black-Led Movement Fund), and Ryan Li Dahlstrom (Director of Programs and former Director, Fund for Trans Generations) Our communities—including Black, disabled, transgender and gender...

Get to Know the Disability Inclusion Fund Team
In January 2022, we interviewed Sandy Ho and Nikki Brown-Booker of the Disability Inclusion Fund about what brings them to this work and how they see the role of the DIF. Image description: Photo of Nikki Brown-Booker, DIF Program Officer and Sandy Ho, DIF Director on...

The Emerging LGBTQ Leaders of Color Fund Commits More Than $1.5 million to Young Trans and Queer Leaders for Its Largest Grantee Group To Date
The Emerging LGBTQ Leaders of Color Fund at Borealis Philanthropy is excited to announce more than $1.5 million in grant support for 16 movement organizations. This includes nine renewal grants and six new grants, making this grant cycle the largest expansion of...

Celebrating + Growing Our Powerful Team
Dear Borealis community, When I joined Borealis one year ago, I stepped into an organization that was clear about its focus: to resource movements working for transformational change, including queer and trans liberation, disability justice, and racial equity. As we...