News & Updates

Organizers Show Why—And How—We Need to Defund the Police In a Powerful New Online Hub
Community organizers across the country have worked hard to shift power and resources from police and the carceral state to communities to create a transformative vision of justice without police, jails, and prisons. And they have been winning. According to a recent...

Borealis Philanthropy’s 2020 Annual Report: Resourcing Transformative Change In A Year Like No Other
In a year marked by the COVID-19 pandemic and racial justice uprisings affirming that Black Lives Matter, it has become abundantly clear that grassroots leaders saved this country from an authoritarian takeover by organizing and energizing voters in all 50 states....

Using Racial Equity Tools (RET) for Truth-telling and Action
Meet Sally Leiderman (Center for Policy and Assessment) and Maggie Potapchuk (MP Associates, a REACH grantee) who are half of the team behind (Shakti Butler of World Trust and Stephanie Halbert Jones of CAPD, are the other half.) Maggie and Sally...

Staying the Course: Committing to Racial Equity Through Change and Disruption
Meet Satonya Fair (she|her), President and CEO of PEAK Grantmaking. In this Storyletter, we learn how PEAK weathered multiple storms and Satonyas vision for a more collaborative philanthropy—starting with PEAK Grantmaking. “I've been working with PEAK...

The Black-led Movement Fund Moves $5.4 Million to Grassroots Organizations in Fall 2020
Since 2016, Borealis Philanthropy’s Black-led Movement Fund (BLMF) has been committed to supporting intersectional Black-led organizing rooted in the values and ideologies of the Movement for Black Lives (M4BL). And this Black Futures Month, we are excited to...

REJ StoryLetter: When Covering Community Means Global
In this month's StoryLetter, written by Angilee Shah, we consider the power of language and what happens when new terms both create more expansive possibilities, or limit us. Dive into the topic below, then read about news from Racial Equity in Journalism Fund...

January 2021 REACH Storyletter
Hello readers, While recent framing equivocating that Blue Lives Matter (in an effort to de-legitimize Black Lives Matter) might lead one to unconsciously think of police as a class of human, police are not born. Policing is simply a job like any other. Anyone...

Reflections on 2020 from the Racial Equity in Philanthropy Fund
For this issue of the StoryLetter, the Racial Equity in Philanthropy (REP) Fund team reflects on the first three years of the REP Fund, 2020 learnings, and how our commitment to racial equity values and practice shows up beyond the job. Maya (she/hers) is currently...