The Communities Transforming Policing Fund (CTPF) is a donor collaborative launched in 2017 that supports local grassroots organizing groups led by and for communities most impacted by deadly and discriminatory policing practices. The CTPF supports groups to build power, increase police accountability and transparency, end criminalization, and shift power and resources away from punitive, reactive, and carceral responses to preventative, transformative community-based safety strategies. The Fund values and resources work that addresses both the immediate harm caused by state violence and systemic changes necessary to create healthy, well-resourced communities, and transformative safety responses.

The Communities Transforming Policing Fund was launched in 2017 and has since moved more than $20.7 million to 166 community leaders and organizations.  


The CTPF prioritizes funding for:

  • Black, Indigenous, People of Color (BIPOC)-led organizations;
  • Led by individuals who have been directly impacted by the criminal legal system;
  • Led by individuals with disabilities;
  • Led by individuals who identify as Trans or Gender-Nonconforming;
  • Not receiving significant support from national foundations and generally have budgets of $500,000 or less; and
  • Serving communities in historically underfunded geographic areas, such as the South, rural areas, U.S. Territories, Native Reservations, etc.

And working on:

  • Campaigns focused on shifting power and resources from policing to communities to create public safety;
  • Developing non-police response programs and transformative community-based safety strategies;
  • Advocacy to resist and reduce the increased use of surveillance policing;
  • Reducing the size, scope, and role of police;
  • Campaigns to decriminalize poverty, housing, drugs, mental health, reproductive autonomy, and sex work;
  • Campaigns to support survivors of police violence or families who have lost loved ones to police violence; and
  • Support for protesters targeted for direct actions and civil disobedience against police violence.

The CTPF’s Grantmaking Process

In the fall of 2021, the CTPF transitioned to a participatory grantmaking fund. The participatory grantmaking committee uses our scoring rubric to select the CTPF core grantee partners who receive multi-year support grants.  Committee members are individuals who have been directly impacted by the criminal legal system and have organized for transformative change in their communities. The CTPF also provides rapid response grants and learning opportunity grants. These are generally smaller one-year grants to support an urgent need or emerging project. Learn more about

The CTPF does not fund:

  • Direct services work that is not connected to advocacy/organizing to address systemic issues
  • Training for police officers
  • Police associations or athletic leagues
  • University research
  • Individuals
  • Government entities
  • International projects

Current Funding Opportunities

To stay up to date on future funding opportunities, please sign up for our newsletter. 

Donor Benefits

Borealis Philanthropy builds bridges between funders and organizers to resource grassroots movements that are rooted in liberation and justice for all people. By partnering with Borealis, philanthropy can maximize its collective impact; fund bold, leading-edge work; and learn in community with allied funders, expert staff, and grantee partners.

As a donor collaborative, the CTPF offers funders:

  • A culture of learning for its donors by providing detailed and timely sessions on issues in policing, surveillance, and community-based safety strategies; and
  • A host of additional resources, including bi-weekly and quarterly newsletters, landscape assessments, and detailed memos tracking the progress and impact of the Fund’s grantees, to ensure that donor partners are kept informed on current work and future initiatives.


For more information about the Communities Transforming Policing Fund, email ctpf@borealisphilanthropy.org.