“I think more foundations need to do what Borealis does. We receive funding, trainings, grant opportunities, the ability to talk to other movement leaders to connect and learn from one another. I really feel like if it’s possible at all for Borealis to share this model and push other foundations and funders to do the same, that would be so amazing!”

Letter from The President
Dear Community,
We’re already deep in what feels like yet another unprecedented election season, so we must be clear about all that is at stake.
Every day we are witnessing the right’s challenges to decades of progress: our ability to organize and protest, the safety of our trans and queer kin, bodily autonomy and reproductive care, affirmative action and equal access to comprehensive, historically accurate education, and, ultimately, democracy as we know it.
And their efforts are not slowing down. Extremism is strategic. Its champions are committed to doubling down on maintaining the ideals of a country built on displacement and exclusion, prejudice and persecution, hoarding of wealth and power, and harm—so much harm to so very many communities. They are winning congressional seats and passing discriminatory legislation stripping away our rights, the ways we hold our government–and each other–accountable as we labor to live out our dreams.
But at Borealis Philanthropy, we’re committing to possibility. We’re asking our community partners to believe—even in the midst of an onslaught of attacks; amidst the hate, the institutionalized racism, the threats to our citizenship, the homophobia, transphobia, and ableism—that together, we can not only preserve the fragments of our democracy that remain, but also build anew, towards a radically inclusive democracy that would wow us and our ancestors. We believe that we can create a world filled with a deep sense of belonging, where we are all free.

In the last four years, we’ve made our own strides towards this vision, moving $128 million to grassroots movements—a feat of which we are immensely proud. Our commitment to sowing seeds of support across the frontlines has produced fertile movements full of possibility. But this is just the beginning. Any progress gained since the uprisings of 2020 was not the end goal, nor can we allow it to be rolled back. We must rely on our past accomplishments to steady our ongoing belief: Yes, the resources do exist to fund strategic, visionary, organizing, at scale. And yes, we can create radically new futures by mobilizing them.

The world we desire is rooted in love, justice, and abundance. Abundant resources. Abundant opportunity. And abundant rest, health, and wellness. Because we know that there are more than enough resources in this country to ensure that our communities are safe, that our health and education systems have the tools to affirm BIPOC youth, that the reproductive care of women, femmes, and birthing people are made available to all, and that accessibility for disabled community is prioritized in every space. We also know that so much more can be made possible.
As Borealis Philanthropy enters our tenth year of partnering with funders and organizers to build the future we believe possible, we are leaning more deeply into our theory of change, and intentionally investing in the next decade of resourcing justice movements by building an infrastructure to actualize our organizational potential.
In 2023 alone, Borealis mobilized $31.4 million to 380 grassroots partners at the frontlines of intersectional movements for justice—numbers we could have only dreamed of at our birth, 10 years ago. This large-scale pooling and redistribution of philanthropic dollars makes possible a ground up, co-creation of a radically inclusive democracy of our dreams.
As an intermediary, this bridging is the role we play, the value we add.
Still, we know that it is rare for justice-oriented intermediaries like Borealis to consistently be set up for long term success and sustainability. And in fact—in a year fraught with intersecting events and crises, from general elections to profound geopolitical violence—we, like our fellow grantee partners, are navigating new terrain, as funders pull critical investments.
But funders must double down their investments, across the board—to organizers, and to infrastructure entities like Borealis, which make possible aligned, and large-scale resource mobilization to emerging and established groups operating at the frontlines. Quite frankly, without the continued support of funders like Borealis, many of our grassroots partners may no longer exist. They require our immediate and continued support now more than ever.
So, yes. This annual report is full of energizing updates from our nine collaborative funds, which are constantly seeking new and different ways to co-invest in the work of movement, challenging silos, resourcing work in ways that maximize collective impact, and collaborating to expand access to resources for Black and disabled communities, journalists of color, collective narrative power building, and more.
Please know we share these stories not to rest on any set of accomplishments, but rather, to say: look at the power of being strategic within community—and to implore you to continue exploring possibilities with Borealis Philanthropy. We invite you to dream and act in aligned accompliceship with us; to dedicate yourselves wholly to justice; to imagine and commit to what you know and believe to be possible. Now is not the time to retreat; it’s time to lean in, to deepen our collective commitments to grassroots organizers—to whom we express immense gratitude—as they remind us that our efforts must always be intersectional and accountable, and must always be creating towards a future rooted in loving equity and collective care.
President, Borealis Philanthropy
Our Impact in 2023

*Unaudited numbers. The numbers reported only include grants awarded in 2023 to be dispersed over 2023 and beyond.

Black-Led Movement Fund (BLMF) grantee partner Birthmark Doulas is improving perinatal outcomes in New Orleans through community education and Birth Justice advocacy.


Disability Inclusion Fund (DIF) grantee partner Generation Patient is bringing together young adults with chronic and rare conditions through events, programming and advocacy.


Fund for Trans Generations (FTG) grantee partner Gender Justice LA is building the power of the transgender and gender non-conforming community in Los Angeles through community organizing and leadership development.

Racial Equity to Accelerate Change (REACH) Fund grantee partner Roadmap Consulting is transforming the material conditions of our lives by offering liberatory consulting strategy services to leaders, organizations, and movements.

Racial Equity in Journalism (REJ) Fund grantee partner AirGo Radio is reshaping the culture of Chicago and beyond for the more liberatory and creative.

Racial Equity in Philanthropy (REP) Fund grantee partner Grantmakers for Southern Progress is leveraging resources and learning for strategic change efforts in the South.


Borealis Philanthropy is a philanthropic intermediary made up of nine collaborative funds working to advance the impact of our movements across the country. Our funds focus on a range of social justice issues, including Black-led movement work, disability inclusion and justice, uplifting the dignity and respect of queer and trans communities, and more. We also invest in leaders, organizations, and movements using diverse and innovative strategies to pursue transformational change.

The Black-Led Movement Fund (BLMF) supports the Movement for Black Lives (M4BL) and other politically aligned organizations to better shape policy agendas for Black communities, create alternatives to institutions that have been harmful to Black people, and build local Black community power.
In 2023, the BLMF moved $7.5 million in renewal grants and $1.5 million in rapid response grants to 61 Black-led organizations and organizers working towards community safety, justice, and liberation. The BLMF is committed to moving resources to dismantle anti-Blackness and to create a future where none of its kin are left behind. Since its inception in 2016, the BLMF has moved nearly $30 million to Black-led organizations.
Last year’s grantmaking marked the Fund’s full shift to a participatory model of decision-making. The BLMF’s participatory grantmaking committee of 10 community organizers brought an abundance of lived and learned experiences related to distributing resources to Black movement including various aspects of community power building, including land, food, and black cultural systems.
$7.5M distributed in general operating support
$1.5M in rapid response grants
61 grantee partners

The BLMF’s newest cohort features Harriet’s Wildest Dreams, based in Maryland, whose work includes legal empowerment, political and civic education, mass protest, organizing campaigns, and community care that builds alternatives to oppressive systems; The People’s Justice Project, which builds the power of Black and Brown people disproportionately affected by state violence, mass criminalization, and incarceration by centering community organizing and leadership development; and the Let Us Breathe Collective, based in Chicago, which organizes artists, educators, healers, and organizers to love and transform themselves, their families, their communities, and their cities through radical imagination and healing.

The Communities Transforming Policing Fund (CTPF) is dedicatis dedicated to supporting small and emerging grassroots organizing groups led by people most impacted by policing to create collective narrative and energy to shift power and resources from police to communities to create safety for all.
In June 2023, the CTPF announced $3.9 million in multi-year grants to 26 grassroots organizations based in 24 localities, 14 states, the District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico.Including multi-year grants from the previous year, in total, the CTPF moved $5.24 million to 85 grantee partners in 2023. This was achieved through the CTPF’s participatory grantmaking committee, which consists of organizers and advocates across the country who have been directly impacted by policing and the criminal legal system.
Last year, the CTPF prioritized healing justice by launching its first ever healing justice and community care fund, moving $200k to current grantee partners. Grantee partners used these resources to build out culturally responsive organization-based arts healing practices, to send staff to wellness retreats, to provide mental help services to those with the direct experience of police violence and more. The Fund also partnered with Borealis’ Spark Justice Fund and Resonance to launch a Narrative Power Building Cohort and Peer Learning Series. Each participating Narrative Power Building cohort member received a $5,000 honorarium. The CTPF continued to support organizers’ right to protest, including the Stop Cop City campaign in Atlanta, which CTPF Director, Jeree Thomas, wrote about for Nonprofit Quarterly rallying philanthropy to do the same.
The CTPF also provided a series of capacity building opportunities for grantee partners including the Invest/Divest Learning communities led by Andrea Ritchie, Eroding the Power of Police Fraternal Associations cohort, free access to the Community Resource Hub’s George Jackson Organizing School, and one-on-one coaching from Andrea Ritchie, Wes Ware, Jared Knowles, Chandra Anderson, and the Alliance of Black Women Accountants.
$5.3M distributed
85 grantee partners

Following the murder of Tyre Nichols, DeCarcerate Memphis successfully advocated for policies to address pretextual traffic stops in Memphis. Carolina Youth Action Project was part of a lawsuit challenging South Carolina’s Disorderly Conduct Law because of how it criminalized youth in schools—the U.S. Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals eventually found the law unconstitutional. And the Black Response Cambridge/Cambridge HEART gained support from local and state officials for their community-based safety program, which provides an alternative to calling the police.

The Disability Inclusion Fund (DIF) supports U.S. groups led by people with disabilities to achieve disability justice, inclusion, and rights. Its principles and practices are drawn from disabled-led movements to build power and a society that is free of ableism and other discriminatory barriers.
In December, the DIF announced $4.1 million in grants to 58 disability-led organizations and organizers using disability justice, rights, and inclusion to build joyful futures free of ableism. The DIF’s cohort includes organizations across the country engaging in a broad range of work—from affordable housing to voting rights, equitable access to assistive technologies, and supporting formerly incarcerated Deaf and/or disabled people—all of whom are working at the intersections of social justice movements.
Last year, in partnership with the Ford Foundation, the DIF launched the inaugural cohort of the DIF x Tech Fund to resource disability-led projects and organizations at the intersections of disability justice and public interest technologies. The team also continued to learn and invest in disabled-led joy through Joy Grants. This disability justice-led practice uplifts joy as a vital movement practice, expanding grassroots organizational capacity to rest, reflect, and sustain frontline strategies.
$4.1M distributed
58 grantee partners

In partnership with the City of Portland and the Broadband Coalition, Suma helped develop and pass legislation to address the digital divide and provide access to affordable and high-speed internet for the disabled community. Chainless Change, an organization working at the intersections of recovery, advocacy, and support in Florida for those who had been impacted by the carceral system, moved into their first brick-and-mortar fully accessible office. And inTransitive, a trans and disabled-led organization in Arkansas, led several campaigns to defend bodily autonomy throughout 2023 and ensure that trans disabled communities are not left behind in the ongoing political organizing around access to gender affirming care.

The Emerging LGBTQ Leaders of Color Fund (ELLC) supports the bridging role that young LGBTQ leaders play to support movements in becoming more connected, inclusive, and thus more powerful. The Fund invests in organizations and movement leaders who understand that the issues of community safety, reproductive justice, immigrant rights, and others do not exist in isolation from each other, and who carry out organizing that addresses how these issues intersect.
In January, the ELLC Fund announced $2.2 million in grants to 30 organizations–its largest annual grantmaking to date. ELLC Fund grantee partners are working to build power, fight against homophobia and transphobia, and create a world where all people are safe and free. Its grantee partners are young, LGBTQ people of color who have worked for years on the frontlines of movements and are best positioned to offer a vision ensuring that everyone has access to bodily autonomy, safety, and wholeness.
In 2023, the ELLC Fund also prioritized the growth of its Young Trans Women of Color (YTWOC) grantmaking program, which invests in trans leaders organizing across movements. This program acknowledges that trans women of color’s leadership has been underfunded, yet is essential to build connected, inclusive, and powerful movements. The ELLC Fund provides YTWOC grantee partners with multi-year leadership development support, a contribution towards their total salary of the organization they are part of, and additional resources for peer learning.
$2.2M distributed
30 grantee partners

Following the rise of legislative attacks and violence towards trans folks, El/La Para Translatinas advocated to the state of California for emergency funds to provide security and emergency planning services for trans-led organizations in the state. Queer Crescent is leading work in Dearborn, Michigan on overturning the LGBTQ book bans in the Dearborn School District. In Madison, Wisconsin, Freedom, Inc. has been outspoken in their stance of ending policing and protecting queer and trans communities of color, particularly after being targeted by white supremacist publications, further proving the need for continued support for this critical work.

The Fund for Trans Generations (FTG) invests in trans-led organizing to support a future where transgender, gender non-conforming, and nonbinary people live with freedom, safety, and self-determination.
In 2023, the FTG awarded $727,000 in renewal grants to support 18 grantee partners and $670,000 in rapid response grants to 69 trans-led organizations and leaders to advance their work in today’s hostile political moment and beyond. The Fund’s grantee partners are working to secure sanctuary housing and address houselessness, deepen organizing and legal advocacy in response to anti-trans legislation, create workforce development programs to offer training and career development opportunities to transgender and gender nonconforming (TGNC) communities, and meet TGNC folks’ basic needs through varying forms of mutual aid.
The FTG is committed to seeding a diverse set of movement organizations and leaders to advance their work in this current political moment and beyond given the rise of legislative and physical violence against TGNC communities. The Fund does this by providing both general support grants, capacity building grants and support, and rapid response funding to grantee partners so that they can determine what is best for their organizational and leadership needs. Since its inception in October 2016, the FTG has moved over $10 million dollars to trans-led organizations.
$770K+ distributed in general operating support
$670K+ in rapid response grants
87 grantee partners

Baltimore Safe Haven provides Baltimore City TLGBQ people currently living in survival mode with opportunities to thrive. Our Spot KC is a hub for resources that support, advance and equip LGBTQ+ individuals to ensure sustainability and improvement in and of the community. Transcending Women is creating a world where all transgender, gender nonconforming, LGBQ, and cis-women have access to the resources that they need to live a healthy, supported life.

The REACH Fund (REACH) invests in racial equity practitioners with expertise in working with the nonprofit sector on internal organizational racial equity transformation. Grantee partners deepen and scale their practices to support organizational development work with nonprofits leading work on the ground. We believe that ensuring racial equity practitioners are abundantly supported is critical to upending white supremacy and anti-Blackness, and dreaming up the future we know is possible.
In 2023, the REACH Fund awarded its biggest year of grantmaking yet, moving $1.9 million in grants in continued support to 19 leaders and organizations working to advance racial equity across the nonprofit ecosystem. With the increased demand for equity services and resources for nonprofits, the Fund continued its investment in practitioners to develop and scale tools and strategies for the benefit of the broader nonprofit and philanthropic sectors.
The REACH Fund spent much of 2023 preparing the release of Meeting the Moment, Keeping the Momentum: Stories of Racial Equity and Liberatory Practices from the Field, a report they co-authored with Research Action and Design (RAD) that captures wisdom and learnings from REACH grantee partners. Through written narrative and vibrant, in-depth case studies, Meeting the Moment, Keeping the Momentum outlines how organizations working for social change can—and must—transcend the limits of the existing nonprofit model to imagine new possibilities of organizing movements.
$1.9M distributed
19 grantee partners

Crossroads continued working to help organizations become more anti-racist by equipping them with the language, framework, and tools to create equitable systems and culture internal to their organizations. Circle Forward integrated several learning spaces for BIPOC and anti-racist practitioners who employ the Consent Principles in their networks, and compensated the facilitation of these spaces. And Fierce Allies is training practitioners to sharpen their skills around somatics, trauma-informed healing, and restorative justice.

Racial Equity in Journalism Fund (REJ) invests in news organizations led by and for people of color. The Fund bolsters a strong, diverse, and independent local media sector that increases civic engagement for communities of color by reaching them with vital, relevant information.
In October, the REJ Fund awarded $5.4 million in grants to 58 news organizations serving communities of color across the country. The REJ Fund is the only, collaborative fund within the journalism sector positioned to connect, convene, support, and thread the BIPOC journalism ecosystem from legacy to emergent journalism, traditional to movement journalism, and publishers to field builders and community organizations.
Last year, the REJ Fund focused on two funding areas: Publisher Grants to strengthen Black, Indigenous, Latine and Asian American/Pacific Islander news media organizations that produce original reporting and information across all media platforms to advance community and civic engagement; and Field Building Grants to develop and support the BIPOC media sector’s coalition building and structural improvements to foster a more equitable media environment. The REJ team also spent much of 2023 traveling, from the Dominican Republic to Germany, discussing REJ’s role in encouraging the growth of regenerative economies through newsrooms and citing all that it takes for legacy BIPOC newsrooms to keep their doors open despite limited resources.
$5.4M distributed
58 grantee partners

Without missing a single issue, since 1928, The St. Louis American newspaper has emerged as the leading, most-trusted voice of the area’s African-American community. The organization is actively transitioning from print to digital media while continuing to develop its tech infrastructure. Centro De Periodismo Investigativo is dedicated to impactful investigative journalism, providing access to public records and fostering investigative journalism training and pipelines. They aim to establish a Climate Crisis Unit and launch the Diaspora Expansion Project in two other Puerto Rican cities. And Buffalo’s Fire is a Native-founded, Native-led independent non-profit news site. In 2023 they welcomed their first full-time reporter and also collaborated with The New York Times on an investigation.

Racial Equity in Philanthropy Fund (REP) invests in philanthropy-serving organizations to inform, educate, and equip funders to integrate racial equity policies and practices into their grantmaking and programs.
As we announced in October, the Racial Equity in Philanthropy Fund will sunset in 2025. Since launching, the REP Fund has supported philanthropy-serving organizations (PSOs) working toward informing, educating, and equipping funders to integrate racial equity into their work, providing $28 million since 2017.
While there is still a long way to go to achieving a philanthropic sector rooted in equitable values and practice, we have watched our grantee partners make incredible progress. Over the last six years, they have created cutting edge approaches and built impactful collaborations. As we shared in our announcement and in conversations since, Borealis believes that “a new level of commitment and philanthropic investment is required to meet this moment…one that includes long-term, direct funding relationships able to support PSOs in scaling and further shifting the philanthropic landscape in support of transformational racial justice movements.” The urgency of building and supporting racial equity infrastructure in philanthropy has never been greater, and we are eager to see how this work and impact unfolds.
$6.0M distributed
25 grantee partners

Over the next year, REP will be providing the last of our grants, while sharing what we have learned along this journey.

The Spark Justice Fund (SJF) supports efforts to end the correctional control of people of color and the harms inflicted by the criminal legal system on families and communities in the United States.
In August, the SJF announced over $1.9 million in grants to 22 grassroots organizations leading powerful work. The Spark Justice Fund remains committed to resourcing grassroots groups working to decarcerate, redirect resources from jails to communities, and transform our collective vision of community-led safety and justice. To further this work, in 2023, the Fund made it their mission to prioritize groups operating in the Midwest, South and rural areas due to a lack of philanthropic dollars directed towards these communities.
Over the past several years, we’ve witnessed the dissolution of our fundamental freedoms—from attacks on bodily sovereignty to the uptick of mass surveillance—and heightened criminalization of marginalized communities and protestors. In their day-to-day work, SJF grantee partners are organizing against not only carceral systems but also the institutions that empower carceral systems, policing, the criminalization of poverty, and other practices that contribute to incarceration in the U.S. Grantee partners are working on a wide range of campaigns and priorities which include: Policy Reforms and Budget Advocacy, Jail Closure Campaigns, Abolishing Cash Bail, Piloting Community-Led Alternatives to Safety, and Mutual Aid and Power Building.
SJF also provided grantees with a Healing for Liberation Series focusing on: Introduction to Healing Justice, Establishing Healing Practices for Individuals and Organizations, Exploring Ceremonies, Traditions, and Other Tools for Developing Healing Practices, and Understanding Structural Healing: Utilizing Healing Justice as a Strategic Approach for Success.
$1.9M distributed
22 grantee partners

Southsiders Organized for Unity and Liberation (SOUL) worked with a coalition to pass the Pretrial Fairness Act which goes into effect September 2023, making Illinois the first in the nation to completely eliminate the harmful use of cash bail. Californians United for a Responsible Budget (CURB) helped pass the Care First Community Investment (CFCI), approved by the LA County Board of Supervisors, establishing a $187.7 million spending package for community development and alternatives to incarceration. DecARcerate played an instrumental role in the passage of SB444 (Act 771) in Arkansas, which now allows a person sentenced to prison as a juvenile to file for restoration of voting rights and discharge from parole after five years.
Cross-Fund Collaboration
Our nine collaborative funds are working at the intersections of Black, queer and trans liberation, disability justice, decarceration and so much more. We pride ourselves in their unique commitment to learning from one another and working together to expand their collective impact. This is a core value at Borealis Philanthropy and an exciting development from 2023. Below are some highlights of cross-fund collaborations from the past year.

The Communities Transforming Policing Fund and Black-Led Movement Fund leaned into participatory practices by piloting the Movement Defined Learning Pilot Project in partnership with Social Insights Research. This collaboration will develop a participatory impact and learning framework with grantees to center their definitions of progress, inform future evaluations, and share learnings with broader philanthropy on how to become more accountable, transparent, and have authentic relationships with movement organizations.

The Spark Justice Fund and the Communities Transforming Policing Fund launched a new Narrative Power Building Cohort, in partnership with the Resonance Team. It specifically aims to support grantee partners in building collective narrative power to end the correctional control of people of color and shifting power and resources from police to communities.

The Disability Inclusion Fund and the Black-Led Movement Fund teams began an effort to resource Black disabled-led organizations working at the intersection of disability justice and Black liberation. Together, they plan to support the inaugural 10 grantees of the Black Disabled Liberation Project with two-year grants, totaling $100K each, funding strategies across arts & culture, Black mental health, movement infrastructure, and healing justice. Additionally, the learnings from the grantees will be documented in a “knowledge vault” to share with the broader funding community as a way to catalyze additional investments at this critical intersection.
Throughout 2023, Borealis’ nine funds have gathered invaluable lessons from our many grantee partners, offered thoughtful reflections on a variety of donor-learning sessions, and shared personal insights from working to support emergent movements. We are thankful to our community of grantee partners and Borealis team members for putting together such useful pieces. We invite you to explore these learnings, share them with your communities.
- $100 Million Since 2020: Resourcing The Movement and Assessing the Moment
- Borealis’ Mid-Year Meditation
- Beyond Dragonhood: Funding Liberated Futures through Participatory Grantmaking
- A Borealis Black History Month Resource List
- Honoring Our Unapologetically Queer and Trans Ancestors
- A Shifting Landscape: Roe v. Wade, Reproductive Justice, and Where Philanthropy Must Mobilize
- A Call to Funders to Defend Democracy: Why the Movement to Stop Cop City Must Continue
- Ford Foundation Creates First-of-Its-Kind Fund to Tackle Disability Bias in Technology
- Reproductive Justice is Trans Justice; Trans Justice is Reproductive Justice
- Why Ending the Public Health Emergency Is Not Progress—And What Funders Can Do About It
- A Call to Funders to Defend Democracy: Why the Movement to Stop Cop City Must Continue
Borealis Philanthropy is incredibly proud to be in the position to resource
so many incredible grassroots partners who are organizing for our collective liberation everyday.
And still, our communities are facing increased threats and our very freedoms are being stripped from us. Extremists are coming for our schools, our trans kids, our mothers and birthing people, our access to higher education, our ability to build safe and healthy communities, and so much more. The far-right is transforming our legal system to work even better for the few, which causes irreparable harm and literally kills our people. Our communities deserve immediate, bold and sustainable action now.
Sadly, however, we’ve witnessed many funders do the opposite, pulling back on their previous commitments to equity. Even as donations shrink and donors disappear, we at Borealis are committed to remain steadfast in our commitment to mobilizing resources to the organizers at the frontlines of movements for justice, who are shifting us towards new futures. We do this because we know that too much is at stake to lose focus on the power and possibility of our movements. We are in this for the long haul but Borealis cannot do this alone.
As an intermediary, Borealis cannot exist without the ongoing collaboration and deep partnership of committed donors. We invite you to join the fight against the far-right agenda and commit to the power of transformative community. The progress we are helping to build in communities is made possible through the ongoing financial support of our donors. The work of our grantees is transformational, rooted in long-term change and without it we have nothing.
As we head into a year that will be one for the history books, this is not a moment to back away. As our president, Amoretta Morris, stated, now is not the time to be stagnant. It is absolutely imperative that we turn our fear into action. This moment calls for philanthropy to move unprecedented resources in unprecedented ways—and to do that in deep collaboration with community and intermediaries like Borealis, which center equity and possibility, as we buckle up, dig in and continue to live into what we know must be.
Committing to possibility is an opportunity to dream of the future we want to create and a call to make sure that future comes to fruition. This will take a unified commitment from grassroots movement organizers and funders alike. We know that our grantee partners are busy on the ground working for our collective liberation. Can we count on you to join us in supporting them?
We all have a role to play in creating the world we need. Only with your support can that dream become a reality. We invite you to contact our Development team, at development@borealisphilanthropy.org, to learn more.
In solidarity,
Borealis Philanthropy